How to avoid plagiarism

When writing a thesis, research paper or academic paper, it is important to keep the original document in mind. First, the commission looks at the identity of the text, then the meaning is checked. Duplication of other people's work leads to serious problems, ranging from loss of qualifications to expulsion from University.
Sometimes, copying can be unconscious. The student's thoughts may coincide with research in someone else's term paper. Even researchers often rely on the same metrics to come to identical conclusions. In this article, we will look at what can you do to avoid plagiarism.

What are the dangers of plagiarism

Definition of plagiarism — published content, owned by another person, on his behalf. The policy of American and European educational institutions regarding deliberate borrowing is unambiguous. A student, graduate student or teacher found to be deliberately copying will be severely punished. Violators face:

  • Reprimand, dismissal or expulsion;
  • Loss of copyright to their works;
  • Loss of license, qualification, academic degree;
  • Damaged reputation.

Plagiarism can be avoided by preventing plagiarism. The uniqueness of a paper can be taken care of in advance by checking the written document with a special service called check plagiarism online.

How can we avoid plagiarism easily — 6 proven ways

There are always ways to make papers unique. Even if the author, when writing, relied on other people's ideas, actively worked with sources and quoted famous people. The following sections give tips on how to avoid plagiarism.

Cite everyone source

Plagiarism can be prevented by direct quoting. If you rely on the scientific works of famous researchers, indicate this. In some cases, the article illustrates the statement of an ancient thinker or authoritative expert. You can base on words spoken or posted by another person. But be sure to include it in your work.

Use quotation marks

Marking with quotes is an effective solution for plagiarism. You confirm the borrowing with quotes. They help to avoid suspicion of duplicates. Sometimes, active citation helps to get a higher grade for student work. During the result check, the teacher can see that you've done a lot of work, thought about different points of view, and come to your own conclusions.

Your idea should be the main one in the text

You will understand how to control plagiarism only if you study the topic thoroughly. California University professors advise researching at least 50 sources before forming one's own opinion on an issue. Proceed to write text after you get acquainted with the problem, find out the opposing points of view. To consolidate, conduct a survey among reputable researchers. After you have considered all of the intricacies and nuances, you can draw your own conclusions. These conclusions should form the basis of the article.

Correct paraphrase

Paraphrase plagiarism, using synonyms, replacing complex speech constructs with simple language. Marketers call this process rewriting. Following semantic processing, the content becomes easier to understand, more readable, and, most importantly, unique. A few ways to do a quick paraphrase:

  1. Replace verbs and nouns with ones that are close in meaning;
  2. Remove the text's participial and adverbial phrases;
  3. Break long sentences into several short ones.

The main issue when paraphrasing is to keep the meaning. Approach this process meticulously.

Always use a plagiarism checker

Effective ways to avoid plagiarism is to use special services to check the uniqueness of the text. A special program identifies similarities with other sources, highlighting non-original text fragments so you can edit it quickly. As a result, you save your time. Such a program will indicate exactly which block needs to be replaced, what to look for. The conclusion that the service issues after verification can be used to protect your work. You not only check the article, but also receive written proof of its originality.

Develop and stick to your own style

Avoiding plagiarism helps your own style. Stylistics is a distinct manner of expressing information in literature that separates a writer from others. Creating your own style is quite difficult. First of all, you must be well versed in the topic, be an expert. Here are some tips to help:

  1. Identify 2-3 participial phrases that you will use regularly;
  2. Make TOV, the so-called language of communication with the reader. Stick to it when writing an article;
  3. Make sure that the thoughts in the introduction and conclusion coincide.
Text author: Columbia Proof

28 may 2022

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