Plagiarism checker API Skandy

Plagiarism checker API can take your content-related business to a new level. If you’re a webmaster, app developer, website owner, entrepreneur, or digital agency manager, you will need a reliable plagiarism detection tool.
Skandy API recognizes any plagiarism; our service can detect texts generated by AI, rephrased texts, or even source code plagiarism.

Try our service

Paste a text or upload a file you want to check for similarity or AI-generated text below
ℹ️ One credit allows you to scan 2000 symbols. In most cases 2000 characters constitute A4 page

Advantages of our plagiarism checker API

Fast and accurate content scanning
Our checker’s algorithms can conduct information scanning across billions of web pages in minutes. The checker checks word after word, different phrases, and source code elements to provide a maximally accurate result. If there is a match with a source, the source will be highlighted in the report.
Detailed text analysis
The API service conducts a multi-level check. It detects not only apparent matches but also paraphrased, re-written texts that are generated by neural networks or code plagiarism. The report is flexible in adapting to any business.
Safe and reliable
We care about your security, so we provide the best protection of your personal data and confidential information. You get total control over your information and content thanks to a private repository. We offer a 256-bit military grade encryption, SSL connection and protected HTTPS protocols.
Checking all popular file formats
The document you want to research for plagiarism can be of any format: docx, txt, pdf, webpage (check via URL), ppt, or image. OCR technology helps to prevent photographed texts. There is no need to convert anything and waste time on that! Upload your word file, presentation, image, or URL to the article. In 2-5 minutes, you will have a result.
Plagiarism detection in multiple languages
Our API supports several programming languages: C#, Node.JS, PHP, Java, Ruby, and Python, allowing the plagiarism-checking service to be quickly integrated into the user app. Our code is always available for use.
Easy to set up
API can seem intimidating for entrepreneurs that haven’t worked with it previously. But not in our case! Our API is installed and configured very quickly. Seamless integration with the API interface will fully correlate to your brand and business objectives. API uses minimum resources for development.
How to use our API

Who will benefit from Skandy plagiarism detection API?

  • Article exchange owners
    Article exchange owners can save a lot of time and money on checking if they connect our duplichecker API. No more need to use manual checks on texts written by your authors. Skandy plagiarism checker API allows configuring integration with your platform precisely in the way you need.
  • Website owners
    Website owners can constantly monitor content uniqueness. According to EU legislation, if plagiarism is detected on a web resource, the owner will be liable and will receive a fine. Another adverse effect that plagiarism carries is the decrease in search result positions. Google algorithms do not display non-unique pages, thus clients do not end up on the website.
  • Software Developers
    Developers of websites, services and games often work solo on their project and place content in it. The checker is integrated into the app within minutes thanks to SDK and supports several programming languages.
  • Any other project related to text content processing
    Our duplichecker API reliably and effectively checks any content for plagiarism. The number of matched characters is unlimited: it can be a blog post comprising a few paragraphs, an extensive article, a report, or even a dissertation. In all cases, you will get detailed information on the check.

Technologies of our plagiarism checker API

Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Plagiarism checker API operates based on algorithms and artificial intelligence, which are constantly evolving. This enables it to analyze billions of open-source web pages, database, code repositories and look for any content similarities. The check is conducted at all levels. Skandy, unlike many competitors, is able to detect cases of rephrasing and artificially generated texts.
OCR technology. Optical character recognition enables the checker to detect plagiarism on images. This is a convenient option for quickly checking the photographed text. There’s no need to look for a scanner or additional programs, and even more so to retype the text by hand.
A detailed plagiarism check report. After each check, you will get a comprehensive report. A result of 100% means that your text is unique, and you can be confident in your website and reputation.
If the result is less than 100%, then the plagiarism checker API found duplicates. Every matching phrase gets highlighted. You will get all the URLs of the matching sources. You can share the report with your team.
Support of various formats and languages. Our plagiarism detection API service supports files in the following formats: doc, docx, pdf, rtf, odt, pptx, jpeg, gif, and more. You can also upload the URL; Skandy will check the text swiftly.
Skandy supports 27 languages, which is helpful for website and app localization for other languages since there is a function of plagiarism detection in foreign languages.


Skandy is fast, accurate and reliable plagiarism checker.
Contact us if you need support for setting up plagiarism checker API