Best Plagiarism Checker App in Your Pocket

Skandy App is a top solution in the Appstore and Google Play market with more than 1M users worldwide since 2018.
Our plagiarism detector app checks the originality of a text with maximum accuracy and speed. It uses AI-driven technology to compare the content with 70+ billion open-source pages and provides an in-depth result.

Try our service

Paste a text or upload a file you want to check for plagiarism or AI-generated text below

Advantages of the Skandy App

Skandy analyzes billions of pages from content databases to display the exact matching percentage of non-authentic text. Our tracker can also conduct a deep check and determine paraphrased text.
Saving time
You can check your text now by immediately downloading the application. The check only takes 2-5 minutes after the document has been uploaded to Skandy. The checker saves you time.
Smooth UX
The app features a user-friendly interface. Even if you’ve never encountered plagiarism checkers, you will manage in a few seconds with no fuss. Our checker is intuitive.
Cross platform
Skandy can be used on any device and in any place. It is available on Android smartphones, iOS devices, tablets, and personal computers.
Many file types
You can upload a document to Skandy in any format: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCx), Google Docs, TXT, PDF, PPT, PPTx, webpage, image. Due to OCR technology, the checker will detect any plagiarism, even in photographed text.
Shareable reliable results
The checker provides a detailed report with comprehensive information on any possible similarities. If you want to show the results of a plagiarism check, you can share the PDF report file with other people.
Personalized plagiarism report
You can add the name of your education facility, student name, or author’s name to each document. This way, the report belongs to a specific person. The author can use the check result to prove his paper’s authenticity.
Integration with clouds
Skandy is a cloud-based service that integrates with other cloud services, such as iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc. This makes the application easier to use. You can check plagiarism online on one device and continue working from another.
GDPR compliant
The checker protects uploaded information and your reports. It operates in strict accordance with GDPR. The data is stored on the server for 180 days and unavailable to others. Using Skandy is safe.

What technologies we use

Advanced algorithms based on machine learning.
Skandy uses machine learning technology and 9-step analysis engine to make sure the check is conducted quickly and efficiently. This technology is constantly improved on.
OCR technology
Our checker uses optical character recognition. If you don't have a printed document, you can always snap a picture on your smartphone and upload it to the checker.
A comprehensive checking report
After the check is launched, the checker processes several billion web pages within a few seconds. It then searches for possible sources that match the content and displays them in the report.
Various file types and texts in different languages
Use our program to check all popular file formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .png, .odt, .gif, .jpg, .pptx, .tiff, .bmp and others. You don’t need to waste time converting the file into another format. The checker works in multiple languages, 27 and counting.

Try Skandy with a free trial

Start your journey with Skandy using its free version, designed to make plagiarism detection effortless for students and educators. With a free plan, you can perform a free check and explore the tool’s powerful features, trusted by users worldwide. Experience the convenience and reliability of Skandy as a free tool before diving into its full capabilities.

Many students and educators provided positive feedback regarding the mobile application's convenience and functionality. Have a look at our user reviews. Skandy is trusted and used by over 1M educators from universities, schools, and other educational institutions in the USA, Canada, UK, and LATAM.

Why use a plagiarism detector app?

Maximum accuracy

The Skandy plagiarism checker online for thesis allows one to check how unique a file is in a number of ways. One can copy-paste the text, upload a file, photo or scanner, or add a URL.
The Skandy online tool allows you to check a file's uniqueness in multiple ways. You can copy-paste text, upload a file, photo, or scanner, or add a URL.
Many students and authors do not use plagiarism checking tools because they believe their text is 100% authentic, so they have nothing to prove. However, everyone is prone to making a mistake. For example, you could forget to state your references correctly or write a thought or phrase from another publication in the same words. Our checker will ensure a maximally accurate plagiarism check and display any possible mistakes. This way, you can remain calm for your efforts and your reputation.


Use Skandy to upload files of any size and get accurate results in real-time for any text type: reports, academic writing, academic papers, essays, dissertations, research papers, articles, and blog posts. The app sees no difference in the format in which the file is uploaded. The check will begin immediately without any unnecessary actions on your part. In a few minutes, you will see a comprehensive report with all the non-unique content fragments on your mobile device.

A reliable report

Our checker conducts a deep check in all open sources and large databases. It detects plagiarism when a text has been paraphrased, or a quote was misused. The service saves all the plagiarism results. You can share them with other people if you run into problems to prove your paper’s originality.

Avoid Consequences of Plagiarism

Understanding the consequences of plagiarism is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and protecting your reputation. Using plagiarized material can lead to severe outcomes, including academic penalties such as failing grades, suspension, or even expulsion.

Beyond academics, the legal consequences of using someone else’s work without permission can include fines, lawsuits, or damage to your professional credibility.
To avoid these risks, ensure your original work is unintentionally duplication-free.

Skandy helps you detect and remove plagiarism, safeguarding your reputation and ensuring ethical and legal standards compliance.
Use our plagiarism detection tool to stay confident in your work's originality and avoid plagiarism's pitfalls.

Skandy — Best Plagiarism Checker Application for iOS and Android

Skandy is an app designed for both Android and iOS. You can be sure that your work will always be unique. To check content for plagiarism, download the app, create an account, and upload a document. This can be a text .doc, .docx, .txt file, a photograph with text in .jpg, .jpeg, a scan in pdf, a link, or any other convenient format.

Then, you need to click “Start check.” After several seconds or minutes, the checker will display a detailed report on the plagiarism. You can clear the field and upload the document if you need to check another text.

Plagiarism checker app for iPhone

Checking your paper in the Skandy app for iOS is more effective than manually looking for matching text fragments via a search engine.
The service analyzes an extensive list of sources quickly, thanks to artificial intelligence. The checker compares the text to books and articles that might not be uploaded to the Internet and published papers by other students.
The checker highlights every line and phrase that has already been published. You will never miss a plagiarized text. The service provides detailed information on different sources of the original content. Clicking the link next to the non-unique text fragment will navigate you to the original source website.

Why is it more beneficial and better to use the paid version of the plagiarism checker app for iPhone:
  • Free apps don’t have a clear data protection policy. Servers can be outside of Europe and the USA and not fall under European or American data protection rules;
  • Free apps usually have a word limit or a symbol limit;
  • Free apps may give an inaccurate result and not conduct a deep check. This could lead to reputational damage.
If your dissertation, master’s degree, or research paper is essential for your career, don't hesitate to choose your subscription plan – use all the features of a professional mobile app for plagiarism checking. The money you spend on checking your academic paper is a worthwhile investment.

Plagiarism checker app for Android

A plagiarism checker for Android will highlight any content in your paper that has text similarity to the author’s original text. You will easily find any non-unique fragment, even if your content is thousands of lines long. You can make changes and corrections immediately if paraphrasing or misquoting a text.

A convenient plagiarism app for Android with simple navigation is helpful for:
  • Educators, teachers, university and college professors;
  • Students and pupils;
  • Academic scholars;
  • Journalists, copywriters, content managers;
  • Content creators, bloggers, writers;
  • All people who work with text.
If you see a text and suspect it is similar to a paper you have already published, you can run a check using the Android app.

Download The Skandy Plagiarism Checker App

The plagiarism checker app will help you to detect and remove non-unique paraphrased fragments and improve your text to 100% original. This will demonstrate your high level of responsibility and professionalism and protect you from being accused of plagiarism. The report you can share with your professor, colleagues, manager, or client will prove your authentic work.
You can download the app for Android and iOS now to check your work. The checker is trusted by over 1 million students and teachers of leading academic institutions in the USA, Europe, and Latin America, as well as large companies and mass media.
Your original paper, checked with Skandy, will get a perfect grade!