We answered the most popular questions about our service. If you didn't find the answer here, we'll be glad to help you by e-mail. Write us to support@skandy.co
  • What is Skandy?
    Skandy is a modern solution developed to prevent plagiarized text content in the world.
  • Who is it good for?
    At least it works very good for: students and teachers, SEO companies, content owners.
  • How does Skandy work
    If the image is uploaded
    First, Skandy uses the Optical Characters Recognition (OCR) technology to identify all the text in the image. At the time of uploading a file, it is required to select the language of the text in the image properly in order to recognize the text accurately.

    If a text or text file is uploaded
    Using algorithms, the text is split into logical parts. The received parts pass through Microsoft and Google services in order to find matches on the Internet and public databases. Text fragments are checked not only ‘as is’ by search engines, the number of consecutive words that match, the distance between words, the length of words, the probability of changing, replaced and deleted words and even more — are taken into account.

    The final resulting percentage calculated by the formula:
    [Number of excerpts matched] / [Total number of excerpts],

    where an excerpt can be not only a whole sentence, but also a phrase of sufficient length with the necessary meaning.
  • Results
    On the detailed report page, you can see the text that Skandy's algorithms have identified as plagiarism, as well as a list of Internet pages on which the maximum number of matches found. Below each page, there are excerpts of the matched text.

    At the every link a percentage shown. Page URLs listed in decreasing order from top to bottom.
  • Download Result
    You can download results of every check as a PDF file and use it offline.
  • Share Result
    From mobile app you can also share your results to social networks. This could be strong motivation for your students.
  • Test Result: 0%
    If the check result is 0%, it means that the uploaded text most likely is not copied from the Internet. In any case, it could be copied from an unpublished work of another person or from an unpopular book. If you believe that the test results are incorrect, let the Skandy Support team know. We will analyze that case and, if necessary, will make changes to the algorithms.
  • What platforms are supported?
    We do support Android and iOS apps which are presented in the App Stores and Web interface at https://app.skandy.co
  • What is a credit?
    Credit is a virtual item allowing you to process check of a single file (image, text) or URL or pasted text. If a text file contains more than 2000 characters, then we will charge one credit per every 2000 characters.
  • How do I get free credits?
    Currently, when installing the app you get a few free uploads. After registration, you get more. Sometimes we provide different events as quiz where you can get more by telling us what you miss in the app, etc.
  • What are restrictions of files to upload?
    Following are file types allowed for upload: RTF, DOC, DOCX, PDF, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, BMP PPT, PPTX.
  • Do you store files uploaded by me?
    Yes, we keep your original and handled files in order to allow you to download them at any time. If you want to delete some of your data you can do that from the app. In any case, we do not perform any manual check of your content, the search algorithms used once per file right after its upload and then original file is just stored to be available for you. When you delete your files or your account, we remove files and data from servers so they are not stored anymore. Additionally, we remove files if they are stored too long without any user requests to them. We care about your personal data and privacy.
  • Should I register for the app to start using it?
    Nope. You can log in and start uploading files without a registration (free credits included). All the documents you work within the app, are securely stored in the cloud and simply backed up on your device. We recommend registration in order to save the checks' history in case of the app re-installation, app installation on a new device, etc.
  • What languages are supported?
    For text files, all existing languages supported.

    For image files currently, the app supports 20+ languages. Let us know if you are interested in more languages. We add more languages regularly, but you can help us to prioritize them.
Contact us with any convenient way:

E-mail: support@skandy.co
Social networks: LinkedIn