How to check a PowerPoint for plagiarism?

Teachers occasionally face the task of checking PowerPoint for plagiarism. For example, this could be a student presentation concerning which there are doubts. Students also have to need to check their presentations to avoid unintentional plagiarism.
Plagiarism, whether deliberate or accidental, is severely punished, including expulsion from the educational institution and heavy fines. It is easier to check texts in .doc, but there are few PPT plagiarism checkers, especially those that give the most accurate results. We will tell you about Skandy, a service that can efficiently check .ppt files.

What is plagiarism PowerPoint?

Plagiarism is when the author uses fragments of other people's phrases in the text of a presentation without naming the source. Also, plagiarism is when a person making a PowerPoint / Keynote / Canva / Google presentation claims someone else's slides, texts, and graphics as his own.
It is illegal to use copyrighted images the owner has not permitted to use them. If a presentation features graphics or clipart that are distributed under a Creative Commons license, the author must include a link to the source. You cannot download and paste any picture from Google.
The teacher can check every image from the presentation using the TinEye service. This tool reveals where the picture was taken from and under what license it is distributed.
How do you not plagiarize in PowerPoint? Unique images will not be considered plagiarism, as long as the presentation makes use of the following:
  • self-created graphics, for example, using graphics editors, charts, and bar graphs in Excel;
  • personal photographs and drawings;
  • pictures with the appropriate license and required reference to the source.
If the student chooses to use quotations, excerpts from books, magazines, from various websites in the slide, he should indicate the source as accurately as possible. The source should also be stated if the content is paraphrased.
Abundant citations should not replace the student's thoughts and conclusions. Otherwise, it won't be an original presentation but a retelling of existing and outdated ideas. As a result, the student will receive the lowest grade or need to rewrite the exam.

Is it possible to punish plagiarism in PowerPoint?

Any plagiarism is using someone else's work illegally or stealing intellectual property. It is also fraud because it is misleading. People are under the impression that the real author of the work is someone else. The actual author can get financially harmed when their work is stolen and used to get paid.
Plagiarizing PowerPoint presentations has the same consequences as stealing any other work. For schools and universities, plagiarism is a gross violation of the code of academic integrity. Among the possible penalties are expulsion from the university, a poor course grade, and a record in the educational file system detrimental to one's career and reputation. In particularly severe cases, the offender can go to prison for 5-10 years.
The owner of an image has the right to go to court if there was an unauthorized use of copyrighted graphics in the presentation. Violation of copyright is punishable with fines.

How do you check for similarity in PowerPoint?

One way to check a PowerPoint for plagiarism is to open it, click on "File," and then on "Properties" and "Details." This way, you can get the following information:
  • the owner or author of the original that created the document;
  • when the presentation was designed and edited.
It is possible to find out if a student downloaded a presentation from the Internet and pretended it was his own. But one cannot use this method to detect the plagiarism of more cunning students or accidental copying. For instance, when a student unintentionally used a text in the presentation that corresponds to the words of another author.
Using a reliable and accurate tool to check for plagiarism would be best. The Skandy checker performs a deep scan of all file formats, including .ppt. If the presentation is in pdf format, Skandy will also be able to check PDF for plagiarism.
The plagiarism checker for PowerPoint is based on the Sibilus 8-step engine. Its algorithms analyze billions of pages in open access Internet and databases. The scanning is quick: just a few minutes later, it becomes clear whether the PowerPoint presentation is plagiarized or not.
Skandy provides a detailed report of the matches and shows the sources from which the text was plagiarized. Another advantage of Skandy is that it can even recognize rephrased texts. The check and report results will allow you to improve your work to 100% originality.
Our tool to check a PowerPoint presentation for plagiarism is helpful for everyone working with .ppt files, including:
  • pupils, students, scholars;
  • teachers;
  • scientific staff;
  • company specialists;
  • journalists, writers.
Over 500,000 schools, colleges, and universities trust Skandy. If a student presents the results of this checker, they will never be accused of intentional or unintentional plagiarism. Using Skandy will prevent anxiety and keep your grades and reputation high.
Text author: Columbia Proof

September 29th 2022

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