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Why students plagiarise?

Write research reports, letters, essays, and research papers. These are all standard tasks that teachers assign daily to pupils in middle and high school; however, you still hear people asking why students plagiarize.
On the other hand, everyone can find a suitable source, prepare unique content based on it and present the work to the teacher.
Of course, all this takes time, which school children often do not want to waste. Here is where copying someone else's material — plagiarism — comes in.

Why do you think students plagiarize?

Let's start with what defines plagiarising. It refers to copying other people's resources without then changing the information. Copy-pasting in high schools is widespread, and the reasons for this are varied:
  1. Lack of time. Maybe due to a heavy workload at home or other equally essential school subjects.
  2. Lack of research skills. A student may not know which word to use to get an original paper.
  3. Failure to quote or search for/work with sources of information. The originality result depends to a large extent on the origins and their layout.
As you can see, there are many reasons to plagiarize. Some of them are valid and even justifiable for students. On the other hand, no school could accept such lousy work. How should a teacher act in such a case, and what should they do if they notice plagiarism?

What should teachers do when students plagiarize?

First, you should check plagiarism for students when checking pupils' work. It does not take long and allows you to assess the pupil's contribution to the handed-in report objectively.
If the document has uniqueness issues, this is a reason to discuss the problem with the student. It is crucial to explain to them that students' plagiarism only causes problems because:
  1. It interferes with the objective assessment of the pupil's knowledge and helps them to tackle any gaps.
  2. It does not allow the pupil to gain practical knowledge from work done by themself, leading to reprimand and punishment from the school administration.
The student may have had a good reason for not doing the work well enough. If there is one, it is advisable to give them a little more time to correct the paper and to lower their grade for using plagiarism. It is also not a good idea to immediately provide them with severe punishment. The smoother evaluation will motivate the teenager not to do such things in the future.
Photo by Pexels: RODNAE Productions

How to teach students do the right things?

Plagiarism in schools can be eradicated by initially setting a specific bar for the uniqueness of the text. For this purpose, a number of services allow you to check your work quickly and free of charge. Moreover, the online checker will show the non-unique parts of the document and point out the necessity to correct them.
How to check plagiarism online? To do this, carry out the following steps:
  1. Go to the website where you upload the document or the report itself.
  2. Press the test button and wait for a while.
  3. When the algorithms look through the text and compare it with all possible resources, they produce a result. Often, along with the non-unique fragments, the sources where the match was detected will be highlighted.
As you can see, research on plagiarism is as quick and easy as possible. When everything is ready, all you have to do is attach a link to the research paper. The students will see which points they need to correct in a few minutes to obtain absolute originality.
By the way, it is worth reading about types of plagiarism to improve uniqueness more quickly.
Text author: Columbia Proof

August 31th 2022

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